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Total Submissions:3
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Most Active Category:Friendship SMS - 1 Message(s)

Given below are all the SMS messages contributed by our user Vinil.

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  • The Story of a Princess and Her Piano

      There was a photographer who had to go to Paris to take pics for a magazine. He was alone, so he took a room in a famous hotel. Every night when he returned to his room, he could hear a very beautiful piano tune coming from the next room.
      Curiously he used to peak in from the key hole every night and saw a lady playing the piano facing the other side, in white dress. On his last night, when he as about to leave, he didn't hear the piano. Curiously he peaked through the key hole but couldn't see anything other than the red color.
      Confused he went to the receptionist and asked about the room. She told him that the room belonged to a princess who committed suicide in that room. Now he wanted to know more about her. The receptionist further told, the princess liked to play piano in her favorite white dress and one thing that was strange about the princess was that her eyes were RED.

    • Tintu's Light Dinner

        Tintu was standing below a tube light with mouth wide open....


        Because his doctor advised him: Today's dinner should be light....

        Tintu RockZzz......

      • Life is an Echo

          Whenever you share the goodness in your heart, you always end up winning hearts...

          because life is an echo; it gives back what you have given

          Good Morning, dear friend