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Name:bella whit
Total Submissions:11
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Most Active Category:Love Messages - 3 Message(s)

Given below are all the SMS messages contributed by our user bella whit.

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  • Thank you forever

      Thank you forever,
      For being there,
      Even when no one else was.
      Thank you,
      For sticking up for me,
      Even through the tough times.
      But thank you,
      Most of all,
      For your presence, not your presents.

    • Through black and white

        Through black and white,
        And every shade in between,
        You were with me.
        Through thick and thin,
        You held my hand,
        Though nobody else cared.
        When this happens,
        There is a certain time.
        In that time,
        I will do the same to you.
        Thank you,
        For being there,
        Through black and white,
        And every shade in between.

      • When True Love Happens

          When true love happens,
          There are complications.
          There are borders.
          There are separations.
          There are difficulties.
          But most of all,
          There is a revaluation,
          A revaluation that causes you to never give up,
          No matter the complications,
          Or the borders,
          Or separations,
          Or difficulties.
          Because true love prevails.

        • Jingle bells

            Jingle bells,
            Christmas smells and noises everywhere
            What we need here
            Is Christmas cheer
            And hot cocoa all around. When Santa comes
            And brings his bounty
            Oh will those sleigh bells jingle
            Across the sky,
            Late at night,
            To the next house he goes.

          • Early riser

              Good morning, early riser.
              You wake the sun
              to start the day
              And tell the moon to go away.
              Open your curtains,
              Open your eyes,
              And view the beautiful surprise.
              For today you shall not wake the sun,
              But the sun shall wake you.

            • New beginings

                3, 2, 1,
                The ball drops
                A new year
                A new you
                Resolutions and parties
                From one year to the next.
                Whether its a new year,
                Or a new decade,
                Or a new century,
                Or a new millennia,
                It's all the same.
                It's always the same
                When there are
                New beginnings

              • Laugh for once

                  I crack a joke
                  To make you smile
                  A hardened look on your face
                  Is your reply.
                  Not a peep not a word
                  it's like meeting a silent bird;
                  Strange and unusual
                  But then
                  Out of the midst of a scowl
                  The corners of her mouth
                  Turn upwards into
                  A beautiful smile.
                  A laugh, a happy ray of hope.
                  I am having
                  an unordinary day

                • 'round the corner

                    What awaits me this year
                    'round the corner
                    A ghost or a clown
                    Strangely in my nightgown
                    April fools; the most unpredictable day
                    I wonder what awaits me
                    'round the corner

                  • Finally older

                      It seemed like you were a whole year younger just yesterday...
                      Now you are a whole year older
                      I could've sworn you were shorter yesterday
                      About an inch
                      But I know
                      With some kind of special sense
                      That you are
                      Finally older

                    • This Chrismas

                        I wonder if this year
                        My wish will come true
                        This year
                        I have been extra good
                        this year
                        I have worked extra hard
                        This year
                        I hope I don't get coal
                        Like last year
                        I have a feeling
                        that this Chrismas
                        For the first time
                        I will walk.

                      • My heart is whole

                          I loved him.
                          I thought he loved me.
                          I was wrong.
                          He moved on.
                          I cried.
                          I was Heartbroken.
                          Until that guy came and made me smile.
                          I am happy again.
                          My heart is whole.